Originally Posted by RonRyan85
WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERICA? The Liberal/Left Wing Media
go crazy over capital punishment for convicted criminals: serial killers,rapists and cop killers BUT the
innocent people like Terri Schiavo are being murdered by our Federal judges? Starved to death like some
of the 6 million people exterminated by the NAZIs during World War 2. This is certainly NOT RIGHT!
I feel like all of the Federal Judges appointed by former President Bill Clinton should be removed from
office and allow Terri's Parents to take over the job as her adulter husband and the Hospitals do not want
to continue giving her food and water.
The press and almost ALL of the Democrat Congress is for giving Terri Schiavo DEATH and most of
the Republican Congress is for giving Terri a chance to live. It is too bad that Governor Bush or his
Brother: President George W. Bush will not do more to help. The killers of AMERICAN soldiers
in the prisons in IRAQ get more concern about their treatment than this innocent woman is getting.
Haha dude, she's already dead... she can't live. It's impossible - she's a vegetable. There's no point in keeping her on a feeding tube AT ALL. Keeping her alive is infinitely more cruel than anything else, even shooting her in the head.
Give me ONE good reason why she should remain on the feeding tube.
Another good question is: who is paying for this fiasco? I highly doubt her parents are... what a waste of money and media attention.
...and did you hear someone use "liberal/left wing" media, or do you really know what it means? Because uh... haha, media is FARRRR from left wing, bud