I had to leave the bar last night to get it at midnight. I was the only person that I noticed in the store that got the warranty, I couldn't believe that. I bought Ridge Racer and Lumines strictly because I've read that those are both awesome games. I also bought a metal carring case that had a car charger, another pair of earphones, another cleaning cloth, a UMD carrying case, and some other stuff. I mainly got it just to have a nice sturdy carrying case, so all that stuff was just a bonus. I completely forgot to get a bigger memory card, but I'll go do that today (if they're still in stock).
I haven't done anything with it yet, because I wasn't sober last night, and I didn't want to hurt it. It's charging now, but when it's done I plan on putting some music on it.
I imagine this is probably the best purchase I've ever made, but we'll see soon.