Here are the remarlks of majority leader of the house of representatives of the United States. Am I the only one who sees a problem with this man shilling for himself, Schiavo, and God in the same sentence? Can even some of you who support Bush and his alliance in congress recognize that supporting Tom Delay and his activist religiously themed base may be working against your own best interests ?
1. How are the Dems who are oppossed to Delay working in my best intrests when they are advocating death for the disabled?
2. Do you have a problem with Barney Frank and his crude comments about "playing God on C-Span"? Also, if this woman were a lesbian and her Christian parents wanted to pull the tube, would he still be supporting his platform?
3. If you would be totally honest, would you admit that you enjoy seeing the Christian right getting their asses handed to them on this issue?