Originally Posted by NCB
I'm not insulting anyone here or TS, but I am questioning the man's motives, which are fair game and a part of this story. The guy claims he's doing this to fulfill his marital duties, but yet he's out there living with another wife and two kids, along with 300,000 dollars that he was personally awarded and another 700,000 that is in a trust fund set up for her and which some people claim has not been entirely used up.
I'm sorry if you don't like my opinions on the guy , but if you don't recognize that this is a legitimate part of the story, then you can't fully grasp the arguments people on my side of the story.
NCB I've just to ask, and I'll probably not have time to check this thread for a while, so if I don't insta-reply, no offense. My question to you is:
Why do you give a flippitty shit shit shit who he is marrying, why he is marrying her/him/it, or when they marry? I don't personally care, nor do I see a reason to care, if he is actually involved in a polyamorous relationship with the last vestiges of the Branch Davidians, who wandered down from Texas to live in the shadows of the rides at Disneyworld. It's complete strawman character assassination. It's irrelevant.
1.No one on this board, as far as I can tell, has all the facts of this case. We have some information available through the public media, but none of us is consulting the physicians / family personally. Some of these sources would seem to be more objective than others.
2. This didn't pop up over night. This is not akin, in any way shape or form, to a last minute death-row appeal. This has been applealed. And appealed. And appealed. And applealed. It has received more attention from the legal system, political parties, religious groups, special interest groups, etc than it could have possibly merited on an individual basis. Do you honestly think that the courts can "slip" something by, when they are under this type of scrutiny from everyone from the governor of Fla. to the
President of the United States.
3. Please see dksuddeth's most recent post.
4. You don't have to like the husband. I don't like him. I don't dislike. I don't know jack shit about him, and neither do you really. When is the last time y'all hung out and swapped stories? What I know is that this case has gone through pretty much every step it can go through.
5. There are other things occurring right now in this country and in this world. The intense scrutiny this case is receiving is completely disproprotionate to its real importance. As dksuddeth alluded to, the position that the conservative right is adopting in this case is seeminly quite counter to the position it has stated regarding the sanctity of marriage and its utility to stabilze society.
6. Re: the nurse. It's very simple. Screw the media coverage - that's just for the hospital's image. Since you're so adept in dealing in hypotheticals, let's hypothesize this: Michael Schiavo is doing what he believes is the morally correct thing to do, but it is not easy. He has endured this situation for
15 years. It is not easy to visit the animated remains of the woman he married many years ago. Others in the hospital feel sadness at what they know they must do, but of course they don't like it. I don't think anyone involved in this decision woke up one morning and said " Shit. I feel like killing someone today. Hell yeah and yee haw!!! Let's get the party started. Somone get some beer and a radio..."
The last thing you need in that situation is a nurse running around making everyone feel like shit, and/or annoying the hell out of everyone involved. It is very simple. No one hired her to pontificate on her views of moral righteousness. They hired her to check the drip bag, vital signs, and sponge the patient off, etc If she can't perform professionally in a hospitial, she should not be there. It is a huge responsibility to be in the position she is in. Let her find another job that isn't so sensitively position, and she can run her yapper all she wants.