Originally Posted by alicat
Is smoking pot harmful the same way cigarettes are? Because of the same carcingens as cigarette smoke contains? Is it really safe to smoke pot if you do it with a vaporizer?
Smoking 3 joints is akin to smoking 20 cigarettes, if you want a comparison. Cannabis contains alot more tar and 'gunge' than tobacco, and you inhale more because you don't use filters.
Vapourisers are great little inventions, get you very stoned, and have very little smoke. They work on the principle of heating your cannabis product to a temperature at which the THC (the active ingredient) becomes vapour, which you then inhale. The normal method is burning, which is what you do when you smoke.
Heating the cannabis to the specific temperature will reduce the amount of smoke you inhale (to almost nothing in good ones) and increase the amount of THC you take in. A decrease in smoke means a decrease in nasty chemicals and what not, and generally healthier lungs.
If you wish to purchase a vapouriser, my advice is to spend a good amount of money and go with the most expensive one you can buy. It will get you higher, cut out a large portion of crap you normally take in when smoking, and will last you longer, which is always nice.
Smoke is bad for you full stop, doesn't matter where it comes from, it's bad. The more you inhale, the worse your lungs will be.
Some people go their entire lives smoking 60 a day with no ill effects, and die at a ripe old age. Some people smoke for a year and die of lung cancer.
If you want to see how smoking cannabis effects the body, look at people who smoke large amounts of cigarettes a day, the way the body deteriorates is remarkably similar.
Personally i'm trying to quit the smokables right now, my senses feel dulled, and i'm not enjoying life as much as i used to. I love the feeling of being high, very few things beat it, but i hate how my head feels afterwards, fuzzy.