Originally Posted by nohitters
I've been a christian all my life but as ive grown, I've started to think about it a little more. I guess the thing that bothers me the most is the fact that christianity basically tells you that worshipping any gods other that God himself is considered somewhat satanic and is a high ranking sin. This bothers me because christianity was created pretty much during Roman times and hundreds of other religions were created before it was a mere thought processed in somebody's head. What are some of your POV's on this?
What is to be said about this can be said succintly.
Firstly, I contest the idea that 'Christianity' even exists. Which is to say, that I do not think that anyone here would say that there is a definitive 'true' doctrine of Christianity, but rather a large number of doctrines which are lumped together under the same term.
Secondly, I do not actually understand what this sentence means: "This bothers me because christianity was created pretty much during Roman times and hundreds of other religions were created before it was a mere thought processed in somebody's head."
However, I think that it is probably far far less perturbing than other objections which could be raised.
This however is somewhat misleading since I do not think there are any objections which make Christianity impossible.
In terms of religious pluralism, the idea that all religions are different interpretations of the same God, I think there is something to be said. Firstly, it is entirely possible that this idea is true. However, I fail to see how one could believe this
and the idea of Divine Revelation.