Nohitters, the very first Commandment is that you must only worship YHWH. The first Commandment probably explains why Christians tell you "worshipping any gods other that God himself is considered somewhat satanic and is a high ranking sin."
As an affirmed agnostic, allow me to share some other insights. Zen Buddhists have a saying that "There are many paths to the top of Mt. Fuji, but there is only one summit." In the Baghavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna, "All those who worship other gods, with deep faith, are really worshiping me, even if they don't know it."
I would argue that there's nothing wrong with believing in God/gods. The teaching of Jesus will generally lead you down a path of kindness and goodness, as will the teachings of the Buddha or of Confucius or whoever. Likewise, I think that atheists can lead equally fulfilled and moral lives. Don't believe in God just for the sake of believing, though. That's Pascal's Wager, and it won't work. You need to look deeply, do some searching, and figure out what's in your heart.
"If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!"
- Mark Twain