People will not take the oil situation seriously until forced. Thats just the way it is.
Originally Posted by manx
As for your Alaska-needs-jobs explanation: I don't care. Don't have a job in Alaska? Move to another state and get a job. I live in Boulder, Colorado and although there are many things I disapprove of that the City does, one of those things is not their Open Space initiatives, which significantly limit new construction and new zoning. This excellent plan reduces over-population and maintains near-pristine wilderness. If I don't like it, I can move to Denver.
Yes, I am employed thank you very much. I make more than the people I went to school with in Loveland. I visit family in Colorado and see the front range and NE corner. Boulder in the late 70's was a short drive for street racing and weed.
I left Loveland because the entire front range is saturated with people. All the "pristine wilderness" is populated or under hiking boot attack. My last trip to Red Feather Lakes was an experience in avoiding people instead of fishing and photography.
edited to add:
The company I work for gets 40 foot containers of goods from our depot in Denver every month. If ANWR were to open, it could add 3-5 containers per month. Talk about a nice trickle down effect.