Arch, you're young and I presume you don;t have any children. So it's easy for you to sit on your soapbox and say to others how to raise their children.
I'll tell you how I raise my children. It's not easy, but I tell them to stand up for family and stand up to bullies. I give them guidelines of what's right and wrong. My daughter came home from school one day last fall and told me of kids on her bus who were being mean to her friend and neighbor, a kindergartner who is very small for his age. I asked what did she do. She said nothing. I didn;t get mad at her, but rather I told her that it's important to stand up to bullies, and when she did so, I would never get mad at her. I told her that's what good people do; they stand up to people who cant do so themselves. I tell this to my sons as well. I'm fortuante to have been raised this way. (my mom reenforced this in me....she had two brothers, my uncle, who were killed by Castro in Cuba during the early days of his reign)
My point I guess is, if this were my son I would be proud because he was doing what he thought,(and what values was instilled in him) was right. In fact, I'm willing to bet that this kid will grow up to be a leader.
Go ahead and demonize him, arch. Just please don;t raise your children to not stnad up for others.
Originally Posted by Christine Stewart, Former Minister of the Environment of Canada
"No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits.... Climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world."