Manuel, thanks for your words... I do go to counseling, and I've journaled a lot in the past. Maybe I should get back into journaling. Also, I'm trying more than usual to be good to myself... I bought a whole roast chicken tonight so I wouldn't have to cook, and some yummy strawberries and other good food. For me, I don't take very good care of my diet (eating lots of easy-to-prepare foods), so I'm working on that stuff. And I keep seeing these tulips everywhere for Easter and holding back on buying them, but I think I'm gonna spring for them next time, just as a treat.
Raeanna, thanks for your advice, esp. on the POP's. My period was pretty normal before bc's, still is, so I don't really need the dual-hormone approach I guess. I will look into the POP option asap! I wonder why more people don't look into that option? Oh, and what happens to your period if you're taking pills continuously?
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran