Lurkette, Shani, S-Belt et al: why are you arguing about this anymore? The patient's guardian (via marriage) has made the decision he was entrusted with, all legal challenges have been turned down, and the process of this family is carrying on. NCB doesn't accept that as an ethical procession in this situation, and I hightly doubt he's going to change his mind. You have posted more sources for information than should be necessary. No offense to y'all, but I don't think it's worth your emotional input to argue this. I just hope that if I'm ever in the position of this lady , whoever in my family it falls to to make the decision isn't of the mindset of NCB . No offense at all NCB, but we just differ largely on this point. Aside from that - the intense focus on this particular family at this time in their lives is awful.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style