I readily admit I really don't know much about or understand politics. I do understand the value of money though. How in the hell is it sanely possible to justify over 25 million dollars to transport a measly $82,000 worth of fuel?!
Give me all the complication's that could arise in that transport and I still can't conceive it costing more than a small fraction of the amount Halliburton billed our government (I'll even entertain the amount of a MILLION dollars to move $82,000 worth). And, it's our countries government being billed. Shouldn't they have the best legal minds available to pour over the books and find a law that says it's illegal for Halliburton to fudge the costs and over-bill? Come on, this is absolutely rediculous.
All I can think of is, like someone else sort of said, Big Business has got our leaders in their hands. "We the little people" think that we are still going along hunky-dory and yet the people we elect into office are then free to try what they may and only their peers are there to halt them. Once they are in office, they no longer really need to pander to us "little people", only the "BIG people" that financed their ascent. Since they are all already elected and in office for their term, they answer to each other, not the people that put them in office, which is the majority of the countries populous. Before anyone jumps on me, as I said, I don't know much about politics at all. Therefore, these are my thoughts as a relatively, politically ignorant person, yet still a citizen of this country that has an opinion and vote.
Given the amount of the national debt and the issues of medicaid, health-care, social-security, poverty or any other large problem in our country, I just can't fathom how those in our government can pay this outragious bill when $20+ million could make a bit of a dent on any of the things I just mentioned. Maybe not a huge dent, but this topic has caused me to wonder just how many other bullshit bills are out there not in the public eye, that our government pays without a second thought that contribute to the national debt and the lack of funds for things that need to be fixed. And what the cumulative amount might be every year.
'Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun, The frumious Bandersnatch!'--Jabberwocky, Lewis Carroll
"You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late."--Ralph Waldo Emerson