I like most of my family. My mom is a great person, very giving and accepting. We don't see eye to eye on a lot of stuff, she's really religious and I'm not, but we get along well anyway. My dad and stepmother are very self absorbed; they are great for each other. I like my dad, but he really pisses me off sometimes. For the most part I enjoy being around him though; he is a great conversationalist and we can sit in his backyard for hours just shooting the breeze. My sister is probably my best friend, so I obviously like her. Before he died, my brother was very, very difficult to be around because of his schizophrenia, but I still liked him. He drove me crazy as hell, but I still loved him.
I don't know my mom's family well enough to really say, except for one of her brothers, and he's really nice, and I can say that my grandfather was truly a piece of shit that should have died long ago. The world is better of without him. My dad has a large family, and I like most of them, although I don't know alot of them that well. He has two sisters that I truly don't care for, one because she stayed with her husband who sexually molested her kids, and the other because she is so stuck on herself that I just can't stand to be around her without wanting to vomit. My grandmother is awesome and I love her to death. My grandpa died a few years ago and he was a difficult person to be around sometimes, but I still liked him.
The funny thing is, I'd much rather hang with my inlaws than my family; they are much more down to earth than my dad's family (who I am closest to). I just fit in better with them.
"They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king"
Formerly Medusa