Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
So, uh, I made a mistake. I created an alternate dwarf and sent him to IF so I wouldn't have to move all the way there when I wanted to use the auction house. Then I sent him a bunch of random items from my primary 39 hunter. The problem, of course, is that I sent him a bunch of items with 25-35 level requirements and he didn't receive any of them...Anyone know what I can do to retrieve these items other than bothering to level up the character that much?
Your alt. character should still recieve the items even if he can't use them. I'd file a ticket with a GM and hope for a fast response. Or the mail system may just have been lagged. Keep in mind that it takes up to an hour before he will receive any item. Mailing cash, on the other hand, is instant.
Hope you get it worked out.