don't get a dlp or projection, get a lcd, it will give you a brighter picture and more color. lcds can produce the three main colors red green and blue simaltaneously all across the screen at any given time in different pixels as for a dlp or projection the beams alternate red, green, and blue and aren't all on at any given time, so you are only getting 1/3 the quality of the picture you could be getting, it costs more, but it's worth the quality upgrade. as far as sound, there are a lot of good setups out there, I would personally go with a JVC or a sony setup, don't know your room schematic so I can't be specific on setups, but go with something that will work with the room as far as styling, wattage, and sound, also be courteous to your neighbors if they're that close and care. as far as brands go stay clear of samsung and generic brands, sonys are excellent until they break which does happen inevidibly with sony products, JVC makes great DVD players, basically you get what you pay for with stuff, shop wise, do research online first so the sales people don't pressure you too much, and if they have a service plan on the tv/ht setup I would take it because if your droppin that much cash you want to have it work for at least 3-5 years minnimum and a lot of places have in home service so you dont have to ship it to toshiba or wherever or pay $$$ for someone to come out and fix it if something happens.
-snooch to the nooch