While I don't always agree with my parents on everything, I know that at the end of the day they will always have my best interest in mind. That counts for a lot in my book. My little brother and I have been best friends ever since we realized that we make a better team than adversaries (the rivalry basically wore out when I turned 16 or 17, when we moved to a new city and lost our dog to pancreatitus in one month). I love my wife without condition and I will always do everything I can for her. I respect her and trust her beyond what I thought was possible. My daughter is everything to me.
Then there is the rest of my family. My mother's mother, a wonderful 77 year old irish nanny, is the most passive aggressive person that's ever lived. I love her dearly, but her problems are a real downer when I try to help her with anything. Her husband, who passed in '94, was my idol. 'Pop-pop' as I called him was an Army officer, and also a scholar, philosopher, historian and more. He taught me a great deal of the morals I live by today. Unfortunatally, my last memory of him is when he was being taken apart by Alzheimers. He knew who I was, but he wasn't sure enough to talk to me as he once did. My athers parents were interesting. My paternal grandfather was a carpenter and furnature salesman in the smallest town I've ever seen. He was a very simple and loving man. Despite the fact that he was a genius, he remained uneducated becuase of the passive nature of the town. My paternal grandmother was an alcoholic and a very unkind person.