Well, I'm 25 and not interested in a tubal ligation just yet. I don't want children right now, but I may want to be a mom someday... though I can't see that happening in the next 5-6 years. I do want to keep that option open, though, until I am ABsolutely sure that I don't want (or can't have) my own genetic kids, ever.
In any case, let's talk more about short-term birth control!! There are so many variables that could go into my mood problems, including even the weather and my current quarter-life crisis (see my thread in Living). As I said, I've often felt this way even before I started BC, so would it help to stop it? I'm still wary of opening the door to an unexpected pregnancy even if the BC is connected to my mental health. And I'm pretty sure that if I did get pregnant, I wouldn't be able to deal with having an abortion (though note: I am pro-choice)... so for me it's almost worth it to just stick with the hormones and deal with the ups and downs until I'm married and better able to handle the possibility of pregnancy.
So, what actually HAPPENS to your body when you stop BC? Do you bleed on time, do you get withdrawal of any kind, nausea, etc? Anything physiological? Also, has anyone stopped BC and had their mental health DEcrease? I'm interested in all sides here... thanks.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran