Originally Posted by KMA-628
This is simple. We need oil. Like it or not, we need the stuff.
Sure. But as long as we are so myopic about the future necessity of oil, we'll eventually end up in the same place we are right now, pre-drilling ANWR.
How much it decreases our dependence is moot
Obviously that is incorrect.
We all want to complain about outsourcing jobs, losing money to other countries, etc. But, when we have the chance to increase our self-sufficiency, we don't want to do it.
A chance to increase our self-sufficiency that is so short-sighted that it relies on questionable quantities of oil in Alaska as well as propogating the same mentality that oil is the only option is not good enough.
Until the administration makes a strong push for oil independence, I see no reason to view this push into Alaska as anything more than the administration helping out the oil industry lobby.