Originally Posted by flstf
Maybe build more nuclear plants. Perhaps the technology and safety has improved to the point where we should consider them.
This is something I would support.
The initial costs would be huge, but, in the long-run, the benefits would outweigh the initial costs.
As for safety/technology: Copy the Navy model. The Navy model has a perfect record and has had a perfect record for 50+ years (
NOTE: This is based on information I was privy to while in the service))
France does it, based on our model. Iran was going to do it in the late 70's, based on our model. The model works, it is effective and it is very easy to control and contain. The only problem is that we would have to declassify some things in order to transfer all of the info from the military sector to the private sector.
The Russians used a different model (graphite was one of their major problems) and they paid dearly for it.