So I'm heading home from class a few days ago, heading down I-696 in the second-most-inside-lane and passing the I-75 interchange, when some moron in a purple Stratus coming down the onramp swerves (sp?) over sharply three fucking lanes, and of course right in front of me. I had the cruise control set at about 65-70 MPH at the time, and I slammed on my brakes. The ABS kicks in, shit in my car goes flying towards the front, and I pray to God that the person behind me has enough space to stop.
Well, I had avoided an accident there and I missed the Stratus in front of me. But I immediately floor the accelerator to make sure that the guy behind me doesn't hit me (I guess I'm just paranoid about that...). However when I try to floor it, the thing only seems to go halfway down. I was dumbfounded for a second, and a bit panic-y. Remembering I had the cruise control set, I just hit the 'restore' button, and she steadily went back to cruising at 70 MPH.
After a quick glance down, I noticed that an eyeglasses case had been thrown forward when I slammed on the brakes, and came to rest right underneath the gas pedal. During the remainder of the drive home, I thought how lucky I was that I not only avoided an accident, but also that the case didn't come underneath the brake pedal. Only having the ability press the brake down about halfway is much worse than having the ability to press the gas pedal halfway down.
So in other words CLEAN UP YOUR CRAP! Don't keep small objects on your driver side! Let your passenger worry about that stuff