Unsung, Unknown, Unnamed Protector
[Heh heh, thanks ;-) :feels special:]
I sit, I think, I gaze from a top the old library
With you to look up at me sometimes.
What are you? thinks you.
My gray eyes, cold eyes, omniscient eyes forever staring down upon
You skittering things, busy things, forgetful things.
Just once more... to soar by my wings I wish I could.
The men that caught me, chained me, put me up here you aren’t.
Evil, unholy, wicked they believed me to be. May I have been? You thinks me evil?
How poor my stiff wings are.
Your histories, your scriptures, your bibles was I the demon you wrote
But caught me, changed me, prayed for me--that evil beast.
Just once more... to hold something with these open talons.
But I remember, I always remember
For my memory is like that of my body: cast in stone.
Maybe... just once... to hold you innocent ones.
From a top this building I watch over you, protect you...
Ward off what is truly evil...
What am I...
I am a gargoyle.