Here's my final fantasy rant. I started off with final fantasy 7 back in the day, just after it went platinum, needless to say, i was thoroughly impressed.. loved the story, loved it action and gameplay... then final fantasy 8 came along and the graphics blew me away, if i had to vote for the game i have most anticipated, it would be that one. fortunately it didn't let me down. It was awesome, a real classic sorta story, nice visuals and a revamped gameplay system made a great change..
Skip final fantasy 9 (nothing against it, i just never got round to it) and queue final fantasy X. while i didn't anticipate it as much as 8, it was in my opinion a better game (marginally) the battle system simplified and a the most balanced of the 3 i had played. After that i went through the stages of reliving the past ones e.g tactics, 1-6 etc. All of em were pretty nice esp 6, which was a great final fantasy for that generation. Oh and I played FF X-2 right the way through just recently too.
Now, looking back after all that, i have to say it's gotta be VII for me. After all the great gameplay, visuals (for that time) and characters, it has without a doubt probably the most kick ass story out almost any game i've ever played. The way that it darts all over the show then slaps you in the face for good measure, the heartbreak, the angst, the progression from small time activist group to man on a mission saving the world. It's all in there and it's bloody great.
As for Final Fantasy X-2?.. If you were expecting epic, you're average. I think trying to do a full on game that competes with X might not have been the best idea especially if it turned out for the worse. This light-hearted attempt was what I would have done and sets a little bit of resolution for the previous game. Besides, technically, it was a solid title. Gameplay was solid, Graphics were hot and the story, not too bad. You have to accept change to get the most out of your gaming.
Dream like there are no limits. Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like you've never been fucked with. Die sans regret.