Originally Posted by Squishor
I believe we were using condoms and one broke, although I could be wrong. It's hard to remember exactly since it's been a long sex life. But I do remember that I had an abortion, which eventually ended up factoring into my decision to get a tubal ligation - a decision I should have made years ago and one I'd recommend considering. Nothing beats worry-free sex!
I have some questions about that.
Can I get one at 20? I really cannot have normal children, I don't want to risk our lives by having a baby that we can't take care of. Most of my eggs are no good, but because there is always that chance for a normal baby, my doctor left it.
Also, does it hurt? Is it 100%- no baby?
I'm thinking about having my uterus removed or partially removed to get rid of this pain, I know I will have to stay on BC for hormones for the rest of my life after, but I won't be in pain.
Sorry about going off topic there, abaya. I don't have much advice to give as I'm very inexperienced, but I would keep to the 'double-protection' method. There are loads of birth control out there that don't require a doctor to have.