I (and Hubby) smoked dope nearly everyday for the better part of 9 yrs. Although we never "graduated" to harder drugs, over the years our tolerance for dope definately went up. Neither of us ever worked or drove under the influence, it was always a "once you get home from work" thing.
Well, I have High Blood Pressure and around 2001, I started having heart palpatations everytime I smoked pot, after never, ever having side-effects before (I'd had HBP and treatment for 5 yrs. previous). I could no longer smoke so we started to drink booze occationally, although he continued to smoke.
My concern is that, even though I can't smoke dope anymore, my hubby has never stopped. I want us to grow old together, not have him die of lung cancer when he's 50 (we're both almost 34). He doesn't really suck it down but still puts away about 1 1/2-2 bowls worth from when he gets home at 4:45 to when he goes to bed around 10:00 (obviously a bit more on weekends). I realize he doesn't smoke like a fiend, but the length of time he's smoked scares me. We have both smoked cigarettes for about 16 yrs. so I am concerned about the double wammy to his lungs.
You hear conficting reports from both ends of the (medical/scientific/political?) spectrum, so it's almost impossible to know what's true and what isin't. Is smoking pot harmful the same way cigarettes are? Because of the same carcingens as cigarette smoke contains? Is it really safe to smoke pot if you do it with a vaporizer? You really can't win trying to find actual info. about pot. Those against say "it's harmful and will kill you" and those for say the opposite-"don't worry, it's perfectly safe, the establishment just wants to scare you".
I have nothing against pot, I do however worry about my Hubbies health because of his long-term use and the long term effects. Does anyone know any 80+ yr. olds that have been smoking dope for 50 years? No one ever has statistics like that. I'm guessing because those that would be interested in obtaining them are individuals that are not funded vs. government and companies that have a vested interest in spewing the party-line they are paid or supported for.
I would dearly love to hear some honest to god truth about what pot-smoking does to one's body (negative or positive, and yes I know it's going to be mostly negative. The question is how negative?).
'Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun, The frumious Bandersnatch!'--Jabberwocky, Lewis Carroll
"You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late."--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Last edited by alicat; 03-20-2005 at 09:22 PM..