Hotel room encounter...
Okay, first off, I'm not a real supernatural believer/disbeliever. I've read/heard stories, and I think things could happen, this happened to me Sunday morning at about 3 am. We (the whole family, all 6 of us) were staying in a hotel for the night, since we had to be somewhere at 8 in the morning, 3 hours from home. I woke up about 3 am, laying on my right side looking at the wall. I thought I saw something in the mirror, a figure of some sort. The problem was, there was no mirror on the wall. I turned over and looked at the door (where the figure was), and couldn't see anything, but looking back to my right (where the mirror was whatever), and it was there. I asked it to leave, since we were sleeping, and it left, but also other "shadows" left with it. It was really strange.
Sorry for the long rant, didn't know where else to go with it.