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Old 03-20-2005, 03:40 PM   #154 (permalink)
Reference program

Originally Posted by alkaloid
I've seen this thing popping up in several places on the net in the last day or so, and I don't buy it. I tried a little experiment, and the simple claim given here doesn't hold up very well. Short sentences without context are very hard to read, especially if they don't have many one-, two-, or three-letter words that are obviously invariant under the given rule. Four-letter words are bound in their correct form half the time, and trivial to correct when they are not. Furthermore, one can devise scrambling strategies that mislead the reader for certain classes of longer words.
I think what we see in the given paragraph is that the first/last letter constraint combined with enough invariant or nearly-invariant words combined with enough material to provide context clues raises the information content of the stream to a readable level. I don't think the first/last letter constraint by itself is adequate. It's certainly interesting, but the claim as given here is overstated.

I was a bit suspicious that this was a little rigged.

So I made a python program that accomplishes the discussed operation upon an input file or even standard input. (yay!)

#!/bin/env python

import random
import string

def scramble(s):
    # check for single character or empty strings
    if len(s) <= 1:
        return s

    # check for strings having no different characters
    for i in range(len(s) - 1):
        if s[i] != s[i+1]:
        return s

    l = list(s)
    r = s
    while r == s:
        r = string.join(l, '')
    return r

import fileinput
file = ''
for line in fileinput.input():
        file += line

word = ''
output = ''
for char in list(file):
    if char in string.ascii_letters:
        word += char
        if len(word) > 0:
            if len(word) == 1:
                output += word
                output += word[0] + scramble(word[1:-1]) + word[-1]
            word = ''
        output += char

print output
And so:

Originally Posted by Halx
If you want a definition of an internet troll, look up Bones. Here's where I get personal. What can you derive about a grown man who actually takes hours out of his day to register new email accounts, sign up for an internet website and annoy people? Does this man need some fucking validation? Does he get off on this recognition? It's obvious he revels in the positive attention you all give him, but have you ever stopped to think that he also revels in the negative attention he gets from the staff? The dude is sick in the fucking head.
Apply magic:

Originally Posted by Halx
If you wnat a dfoiientin of an iternent tlrol, look up Benos. Hree's werhe I get psorenal. Waht can you dveire auobt a gwron man who alauctly teaks hruos out of his day to reetsgir new emial auctoncs, sgin up for an ietnrent wibsete and anony plepoe? Deos tihs man need smoe fkicung vaioldatin? Deos he get off on tihs rogotiecnin? It's ovobuis he rveels in the pivtsoie aenittotn you all gvie him, but hvae you eevr soepptd to thnik taht he aslo relevs in the niagvtee antetiton he gtes form the saftf? The ddue is scik in the fnciukg haed.
Seems way harder to read than the example 'joke.' Conclusion: the example paragraph is contrived. I now have a theory about Dutch that I will now test.

Gib mir mein Destillat / Gib mir mein Alltagstot / Gib mir mein Gnadenbrot / zur Ewigkeit

Last edited by nulltype; 03-20-2005 at 03:42 PM.. Reason: Left a few debugging variables in the code
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