Originally Posted by nohitters
This isn't exactly true either because if Jesus founded the religion then it wouldn't have been around in the B.C times which can't be right considering half the bible is written during that generally large era.
This isnt true as well.. though you are correct that Jesus was not the founder of Christianity, He was a reformer of Judaism. People like Paul, formerly a Jew called Saul, were the ones that took Jesus' life as a Holy one, and saw him as Christ
Christ is just another word that means messiah. Its not Jesus' last name... Christianity was created around 70 C.E. when the gospels were first written, The Gospels were the New Testament. Since Christianity spawned from Judaism, they believed in the Old Testament which is very very similar to the Hebrew Bible, just about the same.... The romans DID NOT adapt Christianity, as the religion of their empire until The Roman King Theodosius made it the official religion of the empire in 394...
Now enough for the history lesson....
My view on faith and religion is simple... I am a Catholic, but I am starting to realize that all religions have some clues to the "truth" that we all seek. you just have to really see all religions and find what there goal is... Buddhism is a kind of religion thats purpose is to train the mind by meditation to become enlightened and escape the circle of life by attaining nirvana (path of liberation). hinduism is unique because of there strong belief in reincarnation, and by the way they too have a trinity just like christianity... Judaism I believe had the correct Ideas, they just focused on the wrong practices. They believed that there Messiah would come to save them, problem for them is, Was Jesus that Messiah?... Unforunately, 2000 years have passed and no major revelations have happened since... so there is a question as to What are we doing wrong...
Anyway, bottom line is You HAVE TO BELIEVE... find a way to discover THE TRUTH, in become ONE with God, however it may be... all the religions in the world may all be connected in one way and we have no idea....
There is my two cents...