GOP needs a name change
The HOP, The Hypocritical Overbearing Powermongers, are now flexing muscle and power in an unprecedented and unconscionable act of legislation to remove states rights ONLY when the state courts don't provide the rulings and solutions THEY like. After the Terri Schiavo case has worked its way through the florida courts for over 5 years and that florida court ruled in favor of the husband, Michael Schiavo, using decades and centuries of law based on spousal responsibility and legal precedents from all 50 states of this union, the GOP controlled house has put together legislation that will now allow the family of Terri Schiavo to appeal a legal and lawfully correct judicial decison to a federal judge where they MAY get a decision handed to them that the family and pro-life extremists like. A decision of forcing a tortured existence of barely cognitive abilities to a woman that didn't want to live that way.
To all of the HOP supporters and pro-life extremists that are in favor for this continued torture to terri schiavo, they should be very happy with this action as they rally around their 'life at all costs' banners and cheers, yet these very same individuals non-chalantly labeled the devestating deaths of iraqi civilians by US bombs as 'collateral damage'. Oh yes, they were indeed saddened and sorry but I noticed that there was no huge outcry to congress over those lives. There was no press conference by Tom Delay vehemently protesting THOSE acts of barbarism.
It appears that the definition of 'due process' will now mean legislating all court decisions we DON'T agree with to other courts that will decide the way we want them to, despite any laws that have existed that way for decades.
All hail the new HOP.
"no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything. You cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him."