Originally Posted by Demeter
And of course, lets tip the hat to all of the wonderful parents who willfully neglect their child's sexual education, leaving it instead to the school system & peer-to -peer confessions.
I was just going to post this...
Parents really need to step up and take some responsibility... Get over the embarassment factor and speak honestly and frankly with their kids about sex.
I *never* had the talk with my parents. All I learned about sex came from friends and Penthouse Forum...
NCB... you raise an interesting point
I'm just not comfortable teaching pre-adolescent kids about condoms and cucumbers.
What is the age where sex ed should start? I gave my son the, where babies come from talk when he was around seven or so. That doesn't mean I explained about condoms, etc. Girls are still icky to him.
I plan on speaking to him about all of the safty procautions, etc. when he is 12 or 13. Considering I lost my virginity at 14 I think that is as good a time as any.
My approach will be to argue that abstinence is the best policy until you are older. That pregnancy is not something you want to mess with until you are much older... BUT... there are other ways of making out.
I will also make sure he is up to speed on condoms, AIDs, Hep C, etc.
Education is key. Sticking your head in the sand just isn't going to cut it.