Originally Posted by HoundstoothHero
I agree with the several others who have said that there is nothing wrong with the world. Having never experienced another world to compare it to, I have no frame of reference on which to base a "right" world and a "wrong" one. This world will always be what it is, and can be nothing else. A vague answer to a vague question, I suppose...
Sure . . . i see your point. I actually don't believe in "right" and "wrong" . . . those are standards which other people set . . .
However, i do know my own individual thoughts on the world and that is all i was commenting on . . .
It is your prerogative to believe that the world is okay the way it is . . . but you need only open your eyes to see that millions of people are starving, children are being used as slaves in many countries of the world to make the clothes you wear, people are tortured for not perfectly conforming to their society's standards, people are Suffering all over this world . . .
How convenient of you, since you are apparently not one of those people suffering to say that because you have no frame of reference, you think the world is fine. How convenient of you to turn your back on the issues of others.
If YOU were personally one of those millions of people in extreme Suffering in this world . . . i highly doubt you would think their was nothing wrong with the world.
however, that being said, i respect your opinion and you reflect the way allot of people feel.