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Old 03-19-2005, 11:38 PM   #1 (permalink)
has a plan
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Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
Trivial Ideas for the Board

New April 16th, 2005. I see the birthdays of members at the bottom of the board and I thought why not a counter that says how long members have been here. The day that they joined, at the bottom it would say what year "anniversary" it is.

New April 14th, 2005: For threads that I am subscribed to in my folders, how about a snippet of the last post directly as I look in the folder. Is there all ready a setting to do that?

OK, post some little idea you think should be added that you believe would only take 3 lines of code to be added to the TFP scripts. Anyone post, so I don't feel like a complete ass asking for some stupid stuff.

New one April 4th, 2005: Not so trivial. I had this intersting idea about an adaptable poll where other voters can add options. For instance, I am going about researching award winning novels and I would like to know some of the novels that are people's favorites. TFPers can vote or add their own novel. However, it could be entirely up to me if I want certain questions up there and can rid votes that have been placed on removed options. The poll list would be interesting if it can be set to either arrange the options alphabetically, numerically, by date added, etc. Just Food for Thought.

Anyone else think of some little aesthetic or trivial suggestions? Maybe Halx would consider these???

Last edited by Hain; 04-16-2005 at 07:38 PM..
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