I think it's great your questioning . . . We're supposed to question, questioning ourselves, life and our theories of God, bring us closer to what we believe and hold to be true.
Questioning things = good.
I believe in a higher power, god, spirit, whatever religions like to call it. I don't believe in organized religions though . . . I was raised Catholic, went to catholic schools, the whole bit . . .
Why would God say . . . If you don't believe this small fact about a man named jesus, but you are an otherwise good person who contributes love and kindess to the world, but you're STILL going to hell according the the Bible because you don't believe said fact about Jesus. That doesn't make any sense, God is not hateful, if He really 'loves us all' then why on earth would he send good people to 'hell' for not believing about jesus?? . . . Why would God feel do that? The answer . . . He/She wouldn't . . .
I've actually had Christian people tell me . . . "well, you seem like a really good person (i'm in social work) . . . but if you don't accept Jesus as you 'personal savior' you're going to hell" . . . I felt like " !!!! " but i merely smiled and said 'sorry you feel that way.'
Almost every single religion in the world states that "our way is the ONLY way to God" . . . because they want you to stay with their religion. It's about control in some small form, if they wanted people to get closer to God, they would encourage them to find a way to God that works for them personally.
No one ever stops to say: hey, maybe there are all these different religions, because every person finds God in a different way
I think that God wanted us to be accepting of everyone's beliefs, buddhist, christian, jewish, taoist, catholic . . . whatever someone holds to be their belief, i respect and honor that and i think that the 'higher power' does too.