Originally Posted by Charlatan
NCB... the point isn't that abstinence shouldn't be an option it is just that it is not really all that practical. People are going to have sex...
You need to give them the whole picture so they can make a rational judgment. Let them know that there are ways to "get off" that will not lead to pregnancy and will lessen the change of transmitting disease.
Give them the whole picture and then you can clobber them over the head with abstinance teachings. At least they will be informed when making their decisions.
As for Africa... it will take a lot more than abstinence to fix that problem. But, yes abstinence is an option... just not a practical one.
I hear ya'. It's nieve of me to think that an abstinence only curric. would be wholly effective. However, trying to blend abstine. only education with learning to put condoms on cucumbers is obviously a contradiction. I don;t know what the answers are this day and age (though I'm sure ManX can tell us

). I'm just not comfortable teaching pre-adolescent kids about condoms and cucumbers. And just wait till the homosexual mafia finally implements teaching about homosexual sex education!!
With Africa, it is a sexual problem. True, a lot of children are being born with HIV, but the primary transmission cause is still sex. It's time for Africans to either learn some self control or practice safer sex. What they're doing now just ain't working, despite all the money that's being poured into the region