The main issue with the Earth as i see it in a short/simplistic paragraph :
The world is experiencing deep divisions and missing the connection . . . we are all completely separated into our own little lives, each country is also separated . . . All acting on our own greed . . . until the world leaders and Each Individual understands the fact that everyone is part of a whole in this world community . . . each action we as individuals make, each action that every nation makes . . . AFFECTS the whole planet in some form . . . until we as individuals and nations start making decisions about what is best for the "whole" and not just for themselves or their own nations . . . only then will the world be able to have some positive change.
Someone is having hard time . . . but it doens't affect you . . . hence, you don't care about what happens to said person . . . But it DOES affect you, you are not part of the whole if you do nothing . . .
Whole nations of people are dying and starving . . . but it doesn't affect the US in our government's opinion, so we barely lift our finger to help . . . But it DOES affect our country, we are not part of the whole if we do nothing . . .
Inaction separates us and lack of compassion in our world community and in our personal lives separates us . . . our separation will lead to more of the same.
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"I am the Type of Person Who Can Get Away With A lot, Simply Because I Don't Ask Permission for the Privilege of Being Myself"