FYI this is Kel posting on Acetylenes computer. I'm to lazy to log her out and log myself in and she is here watching me so don't go ballistic.
This is still a problem. It turns out that according to the x11 contract with the WM the client can only hint at the initial positions of icons and windows before they are mapped. I'm not quite sure if mapping is the last time where you can specify it so don't quote me. After that the user and WM control it.
So how can a client control the placement of icons and windows? Well you can spoof the user by generating events... really hackish and I haven't got it working yet. The other problem is that you have to be sure that you have the windows your manipulating on top before you try and generate the spoof events... jeez this is annoying. X11 was never meant to be doing what my company is trying to do... they should be using openGL and develop a real framework the GUIs can use in the simulations.
There's no justice. There's just us.