Originally Posted by CSflim
Because it says so in the Bible?
Yet, it also states that Eve was the one at fault for the forbidden fruit being eaten...
God forbid anyone - man or woman - who is capable of free will and thought should actually open their eyes and see the world as it really is and, in that, learn things (the truth, perhaps?) for themselves. The truth it has shown me is that we're
not supposed to open our eyes (so-to-speak), see things as they really are or learn anything other than what the Bible tells us.
God was spoken of in the masculine form in the Bible because that particular period in history was very gender-biased. Women had no voice, made no decisions, and held a status much lower than men. Women weren't sought for their wisdom or guidance - men were. An all-knowing, forever-powerful entity such as
God could only be a man - so that stories grew popular, be believed, told so that no one would question, worthy of respect. Men represented (and still do, regardless of how much then vs. now) strength, endurance, pride, protection, sustenance, etc. Women were seen as fragile, dainty, frail, ignorant, shrewd, crafty and deceitful. A masculine God was the suitable choice.
Christianity has grown in popularity and has adopted many holidays; giving some a new meaning, purpose.
One example is the holiday Easter, as recorded in early history, was first said to be the Goddess "of the act of love, creation, promiscuity, consummation"; more recently she's construed as a giver of prosperity, fertility and abundance. She was often described as enchantingly beautiful, soft, vivacious, incredibly alluring. She was often drawn holding a small rabbit. The Easter bunny: represents consummation, love; Easter eggs: symbolizes birth, new beginning.
Now, before this is replied to with attempts to discredit, insult or admonish myself or the contents of this post, understand that I'm merely sharing what I know to be true. I've read the Bible cover-to-cover more than once and at one time, I believed in God and accepted Jesus into my heart as a Christian. I found, on my own, that I had questions no one could answer - human or heavenly. The end result was my realization that I will forever be, first and foremost, Wiccan.
My Goddess, Cerridwen, doesn't turn from me if I'm bi-sexual, gay, fat, thin, popular, dirty, clean, pretty or ugly...she is there to protect me, guide me, teach me. I live and let live, I love unconditionally, I take time to learn who I am, I respect everything around me. It's not about
who you believe in, what sex represents the focus of your belief, how long your religion has existed, or if your God can beat up my Goddess.
It's about co-existing peacefully, picking your battles and not telling someone they're not getting into
your version of a Heaven just because they don't believe what you believe, have the same opinion as you, or choose to do things you see as sinful or blasphemous.
Your actions directed at or directly influencing another person or any number of people, harmful or helpful, will reciprocate itself and it's effect upon it's original source...