Originally Posted by nohitters
This bothers me because christianity was created pretty much during Roman times and hundreds of other religions were created before it was a mere thought processed in somebody's head.
Ah, that's not entirely true. If you really want to get into it: Christians believe that their religion was founded by Jesus Christ, who was (as believers say) both fully human and fully divine. So it wasn't quite a 'mere' thought, it was a divinely inspired action.
Although some times I do think like you as well. "What the hell? They had crazy religions back in the day,
someone came up with the idea of religion at some point." But I see it in a very weird way; yes, back before 30 AD, there were many religions, and a few main ones (Judaism for example), but most of those weren't inspired, they were all human creations. I think that Jesus came as a savior who kinda...organized what's going on, took all those disparate religions and basically said "Alright, this is the way it is, I'm the God that these religions were talking about. Believe it or don't." The thing that I really like about Christianity, and Catholicism in particular, is that it was founded by God, not just man.
Of course, believe that or don't, it's entirely up to you, as it's always been. That's the official standpoint of the Catholic Church though: it was founded by Jesus Christ, who was divine.
(Weird stuff about Jesus vs Jesus Christ: Jesus was the man who lived, breated, ate, drank, dueced, and worked on carpentry for 30 or so years, up until he died. He's only called "Jesus Christ"
after His resurrection, and he could do some crazy stuff. Walk through doors, ascend to Heaven, raise from the dead, weird shit. He was physically there but not when he didn't want to be, it was called a "wonderful body". I want one.)
But I'm still trying to figure it all out, but I don't think I ever will, at some point it's gotta be taken on faith. I personally have some weird ideas, too, about religion, despite being baptised and confirmed Catholic. I don't like how there's the fear of hell, but if you just look at the Gospels, it's not as much about 'fear of hell' as 'love Jesus'. I like reading the four Gospels more than anything else, because it's...simpler, it's approximately what Jesus said and did during his life and ministry.