Originally Posted by Redlemon
Sure, this thread has been around forever, but I decided today to search for such a thread. I can't find a single one on this board. Could you point to one?
I wasn't really talking about TFP; I've seen
maybe one thread here like that. I was talking about other boards that tend to scrape up the bottom of the 'net sometimes. Like GameFAQs. Good resource for game info, but god help you if you want to have an intelligent discussion. You might be fine if you stick to lesser known games. But on popular boards, people will be asking how to do something ridiculously easy that is also described in every FAQ posted. And that's not the worst.
Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
If they end a thread title with (CAPS,) I would assume that the poster's caps lock key is broken.
I had actually never thought about that. But then couldn't you just hold down the shift key? Get some duct tape and keep that thing down.
i never knew that typing in caps was so bad. it seems that everyone hates it. it doesn't bother me and i don't know why it's that big of a deal. i guess i'll go find an internet ettiquette book somewhere. there's got to be other things that someone shouldn't be doing.
- Don't Type Like This
- Don't type like this
- Dnt' typ liek this
- DoN't TyPe LiKe ThIs
- |)0/|/7 7'/|>3 1][|<3 7|-|15
And you'll be fine.