Cried really hard last night, for about an hour. Stress, insecurity, loneliness, general sadness about several things... you name it... it was all feeding on my tears last night. But sometimes I do just really need to be alone and let it all loose, feel as weak as can be, cry very hard and feel that emotion moving through my body. Then call up a girl friend and have them understand, and laugh about it.
In general I cry at least once a week if not twice or three times. It's not something I choose, it just happens, and only in private... everyone else (except my boyfriend) sees me as being fairly unemotional. But I sort of like being able to let loose alone, it helps me cope with things building up deep down inside. Volcanic eruptions of the soul, or something...
And let me ask, does anyone else cry more when they're in a relationship? I find that if I'm totally and completely single, I cry very rarely. But for some reason being in a relationship makes me much more emotionally vulnerable and expressive, and so I cry much more often. The only other thing that causes me to cry are family issues, when they're in my face... but that's not as often as it used to be. So basically being in a relationship really opens me up inside... this is both good and bad, I guess.