His name is Arnold Vosloo (I had to look it up). I remember him from Veritas: The Quest." It wasn't all that interesting, but he played the boss man's badass well enough for me to place the face.
I completely agree with stonegrody. Paul isn't going to die. Audrey is going to go back to him and Jack is going to be so pissed off he single handedly takes out all the terrorist cells in the greater Los Angeles area and saves the President all with his trusty PDA. Maybe a gun or two. He won't need them, but maybe.
The last episode was pretty good. The Tony/Michelle thing was handled well and they kicked out Sarah, who I didn't really like.
That whole conversation between Jack and the brothers was horrible and forced. The whole 'it's our country too' shit sounded like a last minute addendum to appease the outcry over the arab terrorist storyline. Not to mention it was unbelievable. Face trained commandos in combat, in the dark, with no hope of rescue and likely die or run your ass off and live to rebuild another day? I wonder what the 'vast majority' would do?
No signature. None. Seriously.