Any Screenwriters?
Hey there, I am an amatuer screenwriter myself, I just finished writing a short (around 35 pages) screenplay for a movie my friends are filming this month. I've always liked to write and this is my first major experience writing in this format, its quite a challange but i really do enjoy it. So back to my question anyone else write screenplays? and if you do please share a taste of your work, it would be good to see everyone's style. I will update you guys on the progress of my movie when it gets underway. Here's my next project, it's nascent (asin I dont know what to do with it yet):
The MAIN CHARACTER is looking at his reflection in a window. He is young, dressed in a collared shirt and slacks, ready for work. He ponders his face and makes odd looking contortions with it. He is waiting for a ride.
Main Character
(making faces)
Look at this face, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth; everyone’s got everything.
Well maybe except for people who got attacked by bears, but still, it’s nothing special really. I mean, I might as well be you.
He looks over at NORBERT, his co-worker. Norbert drinks a coffee and looks at him awkwardly.
Main Character (CONT’D)
No, no I didn’t mean that as joke or anything. But do you see what I’m saying? (smashing his face around with his hands and speaking with a muffled tone) It’s just a face. It’s just so ordinary, plain, unexciting
A black guy with flashy gangster clothes walks by, the Main Character looks over at him as he passes.
Main Character (CONT’D)
Oh, well. Maybe that’s just me, or maybe I didn’t have enough donuts with my coffee.
The Main Character looks at a small coffee stain on his otherwise clean shirt.
Main Character (CONT’D)
But what can I do? I know what I’ve tried and I know it doesn’t work. Meditation is crap
So is alcohol, and staring hard into a mirror just makes me feel like my soul has disappeared. But what if it really has?
No, fuck that. This is not metaphysical. There’s something or someone.
I don’t see what the problem is, nothing’s really wrong with you.
Main Character
You’re right, but maybe that’s it; there’s nothing wrong with me, so there’s nothing to make me interesting. Even people who know me, what do they see? Just somebody, just an average
No, no. Damnit! Confidence, Norb, confidence
The Main Character readjusts himself and stretches.
Main Character (CONT’D)
Okay, all better. I think its working.
The Main Character cranks his head up with his eyes closed, and cracks his neck side to side.
Main Character (CONT’D)
(opening eyes towards the blue sky)
It really is a nice day out. I should be at the beach or something.
The Main Character looks like he has a renewed sense of confidence. The ride pulls up and DARIN opens the door from his side. He is also dressed for work, it’s a car pool.
Welcome back to the Monday Club, boys.
Main Character
(losing all confidence)
Fuck Monday.
Norbert gets in shotgun and the Main Character sits in the back.
Here are some phrases I'd like to be able to say, in all honesty, before I die.
"That's it, send out the ninjas!"
"So then I had to kill my way to the second floor."