Well, hell, I guess I'm the only one who had problems. And Boy Howdy did I have problems! Crapola.
P4 2.8 @ 3.4
TI Radeon 9800 Pro
SoundMax Sound (onboard)
XP Pro SP1
If I am killed during a game and hit the mouse button or F9 to reload, it hangs the machine. It does this on any level and seems to occur more often when there are more sounds going on. For instance, if I die and the HEV suit is yakking, the combine are farting around with the radios and a headcrab is munching, I know it'll hang. But I get no stuttering like many online have complained about. Last night I would play a tough level, get killed, then hit the reset button on my hungup machine. The average was five minutes of play and five minutes of reset. Not fun.
Yes I have the latest drivers. Yes, I have turned down video and audio settings. I work with computer hardware and software every day. I'm no dork! I refuse to have good hardware and turn every setting down just so the damn thing will run right. Why have good hardware just to turn it down. That's like taking your Ferrari to the corner store and not exceeding 25 MPH. Bland.
I'm so glad others here are having good experiences running the game. I seriously have never had so many problems running a game. Hell, HL1 runs better than this one! LOL. So does System Shock 2 from 1999, Q3 Arena, Clive Barker's Undying and more.
I'm frustrated because I think the story is awesome. I think the character models are amazing. I think the environments are immsersive. And while people have found the game to be boring or too linear, I just don't agree. I really want to play the game, it just seems to be a bad combination for my computer. As I live near Kirkland, WA, I could likely bring my gaming box down to Valve, but I think the'd probably turn everything down and fark up a bunch of other stuff to get it to work right. I personally think any user shoudl not need to do very much to get a game to work it's best. Oh well. When my frustrations go away, I play another round of five or ten minute sections of the game...