Originally Posted by alansmithee
I don't personally care if people live homosexual lifestyles, but I do care when they want to elevate the behaviors associated with that above other behavior types.
How is gay marriage elevating homosexual behavior ABOVE other, comparable, behavior types such as that of the heterosexual?
That would be equality, not superiority.
And let's note, your analogies to drug users, flashers, pedophiles and serial killers are purely illogical. Homosexuals do not harm other people due to being homosexual, the others to which you attempt a comparison expressly do that (though in the case of drug users, not really - which is a good portion of why you see such a strong movement for the legalization of drugs, but that's another topic). So it might be "bigotted" to be anti-serial killer, but there is an actual logic to that "bigotry". Whereas, the anti-gay marriage bigotry (which you encourage and partake in) has no similar logic. I might as well compare anything and everything that I dislike to a serial killer and claim a form of moral justification - it doesn't make any sense, but you'd like to think it does.
And I'm not sure how you've been able to deal with this glaring contradiction in your stated philosophy:
Originally Posted by alansmithee
Originally Posted by guy44
I'm not going to argue for or against polygamy, bestiality, etc. because that isn't the issue at hand.
Yes they are, the issue is the redefiniton of marriage to fit newly mainstreamed forms of sexuality.
Originally Posted by alansmithee
Originally Posted by Superbelt
Alan, I assume you will be signing my petition to restrict all impotent, menopausal, and naturally, surgically and chemically sterile people from getting married. Right?
You start it, ill sign it in a second. Those couples shouldn't be subsidized any more than gay couples.
On the one hand, you're in opposition to redefining marriage and on the other, you're eagerly waiting to sign a petition of redefinition.