My bf and I tried anal for the first time last week, and I could use some feedback from you guys. I enjoy his fingers in my ass and I kept thinking, "I want his cock in there!", so I finally told him. I think he was a bit excited.
We have a strap-on set, since I told him I wouldn't do anal unless I did it on him first...

So he used the smallest dildo, then the bigger one, and then finally his cock (all at my own pace)... and while his dick went in much smoother than I expected, prob from the gradual stretching and his gentleness, I found that I didn't enjoy the thrusting very much. He was going quite slow, and I tried to relax as much as possible... but somehow it still didn't feel fantastic going in and out.
Does anyone have suggestions for how to make it more enjoyable? I don't believe that you either love it or you don't, since pretty much anyone's likes/dislikes are culturally/socially programmed. Anyone should be able to love it, I figure, as technically there shouldn't be anything painful about it, right? We used lots of lube... but I found that it hurt a bit more at the top of the thrust when the head of his dick would bump into the inside of my butt hole. We tried it again a week later and it still hurt a bit... not excruciating, but after a short while I really wanted him to finish fast so that he could get it out of my ass.
He is very patient and says we don't have to do it if it doesn't feel good, but I WANT it to feel good! So, any tips??