I don't know if the fans tend to sympathize with the players, I know I certainly don't. Even under a new salary cap-based CBA, they'd still make millions of dollars. This isn't like the NFL where teams would spend $100 if they could but are held back by the cap. In the NHL, half the teams can't afford to have salaries of $50 or even $40 million a year. The PA needs to realize that they're never going to win... the owners obviously aren't going to blink, they already cancelled one season, I doubt they'll give in now.
I just feel like the players are being selfish and aren't doing what's good for the game of hockey. If salaries continue the way they are heading, the league will have to start folding teams or have a two-tiered league with the teams who can afford to pay a lot of money and those who can't. I have no problem with a salary cap, and I think it wouldn't be as dramatic as the PA likes to claim.
I want hockey to come back, I don't care who "wins" I don't care who is bitter, I just want the NHL back. This whole lockout is going to hurt the game more than anything that could've happened with a salary cap or high salaries. It's getting to the point where sometimes I wonder if there ever WILL be an NHL again.
"Thank you for flying Church of England, cake or death?"