Originally Posted by guccilvr
Ok so I've skimmed through this thread..wondering if I should indeed jump into this. Since Secret and Tec are involved (them knowing where I stand) I think I might. Let me just put this disclaimer out there. *I do not believe in some god, I do not believe in some supreme diety, I do not believe in salvation* Ok. Now I was raised in a "Christian" home until I was 17. The one thing that I didn't understand was "Free Will". How can someone have free will when god already knows what's going to happen, and has predetermined the outset of mankind. If god knows everything then he knows who is going to get saved and who is going to do what. So does that really give anyone free will?
This question has been discussed before on the board. To discuss it here would only take the thread off track.
asaris wrote an interesting post a while back: