Why is it that all the big buff black dudes turn out to be the biggest whiny babies. I wish Ibraam got the boot but i guess its a good move for the other tribe in giving him immunity. Now they can rely on him to foul up more challenges.
Anyone hear the rumor about Wendy or whoever the singing lady was in the beginning. I read on a reality tv site that she was bitter about being kicked off in the first ten minutes, so she let out the big secret that more than half of the contestants are models thrown in to spice things up.
I cant say much about the cast other than, thank god they arent all lesbians trying to make an all woman's tribe. I think i'm rootin for the skinny dude with glasses. I think he's the dolphin trainer. Everyone else bugs me except for maybe the gay guy. Its funny to see another guy with a Boston accent though, i dont like him all that much.
And to finish it off. Where are the women. Steph is the closest thing to eye candy, but in any other situation i wouldnt call it that. I miss watching Darrah take a shower. They should make up some reason to have Darrah on every season.