Originally Posted by lindseylatch
In my Brain and Behavior class there was a study that examined the brains of gay men, women, and straight men. This was a couple years ago, so I don't remember the names of the parts of the brain, but one area that has been linked to sexual activiy showed interesting results. In women's brains, this area is about 1/5 the size it is in men's; the gay men's brains showed that this area was even smaller than in an average woman. So, there is something physical in being gay. I'm not saying this proves it's genetic, but it does show that it's biological, so it can't just be changed on a whim.
If anyone wants the specific, PM me, and I'll find the study.
This sounds remarkably like the research that shows that mtf transsexuals have
physically female brains. Essentially, the bed-nucleus of the stria terminalis in men is much larger, about twice the number of neurons, than it is in women, and MTF transsexuals have brains consistent with those of normal women. But this research didn't find any physical differences between homosexual males and heterosexual males. I'd be very interested in seeing that research if you can find it.