I own the 700m and I love it. I used to have a beast of a laptop (Sager 5680 for those playing at home) and I just couldnt stand the weight of the thing anymore. I got the 700m for a really good price and its the perfect laptop for my needs. Its small, lightweight , has wireless, very bright screen, the default battery life for me was I think around 3-4 hours, which was enough for my classes everyday. I got the 6-7 hour batter on ebay for pretty cheap and I use that now. It doesnt have the screen probelm MooseMan was talking about the screen stays stiff. The only complaints I have are the default battery life, and sometimes the screen is a little glarey (sp?) if you are using it outside. If you have any more questions let me know.
ps. I have two computers my desktop and my laptop for classes... im not sure if I could use my laptop for my everyday school work, I generally just use it for taking notes in class / browsing the net on wireless when i should be paying attention.
Fight apathy! ..... or dont.
Last edited by FloydianOne; 03-17-2005 at 10:05 AM..