Originally Posted by kid astronaut
i am surprised at how many people think that he's going to get in trouble if the IT department finds out he's using file sharing.
it's college--- everyone has some sort of p2p program that they use.
it's not even inherently implied that you use it for illegal purposes. my friend and i, at different colleges, have set up a DC++ server just for transfering music files that we create ourselves for a "long distance band." for all of arch13's talk about rights and privileges, i really doubt that college IT people are going to be surprised that there are people on the network using something besides their web browsers.
but maybe i'm wrong?
The "everyone does it" excuse is never the right one to use. While everyone may sit around on Kazaa/etc. and download files, it appears as though the original poster was using excessive (to his IT staff's mind) amounts of bandwidth and was punished as a result.
I don't think people said "if they find out you're using P2P, you're going to get in trouble" (though it is likely that his university's acceptable use policy has something against it), but rather that it's not helping his case. He won't find any way out of his 6-month bandwidth cap early - or at all - if he continues trying to use P2P networks to download illegal files, continues to use a lot of bandwidth. The campus IT staff are surprisingly well informed - from my experiences - on what goes on in the campus network, despite the students' attempts to hide it - they just choose not to act most of the time.
While they may know everyone's using P2P networks, and are traffic shaping them at the network border, they just don't feel like stepping in personally unless people use lots of bandwidth.